Scientific leadership

to support the recovery of wildlife populations

Learn about our work

Caribou standing in the forest in winter
A grey-black wolf walks in a snowy field

Science to inform policy and management

We bring together ecology, social science, and Indigenous ways of knowing

We work with a range of partners and collaborators across western Canada to facilitate applied research and provide scientific expertise. Our work is used to support the recovery of endangered wildlife species and sustain populations in the face of increasing pressures. We are relied upon as trusted brokers of evidence in complex and sensitive policy decisions.

Reports & Publications

Browse our archive to find reports, factsheets, peer-reviewed publications, and more.



We believe in open access and open dialogue. We regularly host webinars, give presentations, and share our work with the media.


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Trusted brokers of knowledge

Our aim is to understand the drivers of change for wildlife populations; track changes in their habitats; and disentangle the complex interactions between species, disturbances, and climate. Restoring wildlife populations and habitat costs time and money—we provide the evidence needed to make effective, efficient decisions.

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Caribou in coniferous forest in Jasper National Park

Featured Projects

Our work ranges from prioritizing areas for habitat restoration to determining how predator numbers and a changing landscape affect wildlife populations.

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