Reconnecting the Rockies:BC 2020-2024 Progress Report

Prepared for: British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Transit, and the Ministry of Water Land and Resource Stewardship by C. Lamb, E. Chow, and M. Jones. 2025.


Operationalizing wildlife coexistence in the Elk Valley

Lamb C and S O’Donovan. 2024. Operationalizing wildlife coexistence in the Elk Valley. Elk Valley Coexistence Coalition. Project update report. Elk Valley, British Columbia. 47 p. December 20, 2024


Restoring historical moose densities results in fewer wolves killed for woodland caribou conservation

McLellan ML, AT Ford, D Hervieux, CT Lamb, M Hessami, MC Bridger, R Serrouya. 2024. The Journal of Wildlife Management: e22673.

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The influence of habitat alteration is widespread, but the impact of climate cannot continue to be discounted

Dickie M, R Serrouya, M Becker, C DeMars, MJ Noonan, R Steenweg, S Boutin, and AT Ford. 2024. Global Change Biology 30(9): e17497. Response to Barnas et al. (2024).

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Movement ecology of endangered caribou during a COVID-19 mediated pause in winter recreation – response to Wilson (2024)

Gill R, R Serrouya, AM Calvert, A Ford, R Steenweg, and MJ Noonan. 2024. Animal Conservation 27(4): 412-414.

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Fact Sheet: Evaluating the impact of caribou habitat restoration on predator and prey movement


Fact Sheet: Resource exploitation efficiency collapses the home range of an apex predator


Effectiveness of population-based recovery actions for threatened southern mountain caribou

Lamb CT, S Williams, S Boutin, M Bridge, D Cichowski, K Cornhill, C DeMars, M Dickie, B Ernst, A Ford, MP Gillingham, L Greene, DC Heard, M Hebblewhite, [...], and R Serrouya. 2024. Ecological Applications e2965.

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