Movement ecology of endangered caribou during a COVID-19 mediated pause in winter recreation
Gill R, R Serrouya, AM Calvert, A Ford, R Steenweg, MJ Noonan. 2023. Animal Conservation (early view).
Fact Sheet: Restoring caribou habitat
A fact sheet from the Alberta Biodiversity Conservation (ABC) Chair research on developing a definition for seismic line recovery based on wildlife use of linear features.
Assessing spatial factors affecting predation risk to boreal caribou calves
DeMars C and S Boutin. 2014. Final report.
Calving Area Selection by Boreal Caribou in Northeast British Columbia December 2015 Update
DeMars C and S Boutin. 2015. December 2015 update.
Viability of mountain caribou in British Columbia, Canada: Effects of habitat change and population density
Wittmer HU, RNM Ahrens, and BN McLellan. 2010. Biological Conservation 143: 86–93.
Fragmentation, dispersal and metapopulation function in remnant populations of endangered mountain caribou
van Oort H, BN McLellan, and R Serrouya. 2011. Animal Conservation 14: 215–224.
Grizzly bear selection of avalanche chutes: testing the effectiveness of forest buffer retention
Serrouya R, BN McLellan, GD Pavan, and CD Apps. 2011. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 1597–1608.
The influence of forest cover on mule deer habitat selection, diet, and nutrition during winter in a deep-snow ecosystem
Serrouya R and RG D'Eon. 2008. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 452–461.